5. Measurements

The full-scale measurements of wind, rain and driving rain are presented in this chapter. The measurements span 24 months, i.e. from December 1997 to November 1999. In chapter 4, the results of the full-scale comparison test of the driving rain gauges were presented. Hence, in this chapter we will deal only with the data of the TUE-II type driving rain gauges, and will not pay attention to the data of the other driving rain gauges (the CTH and DTU types).

Section 5.1 deals with data processing and selection criteria and with the identification of the quantities which will be used in the subsequent sections of the chapter. Also, the source of the data of the weather station at Eindhoven Airport will be given. The data are presented in section 5.2, which includes statistics of wind, rain and driving rain, correlations between intermediate reference wind and rain data and driving rain data, correlations between weather station wind data and intermediate reference wind data, an analysis of the spatial differences of horizontal and driving rain between two positions, and measurements of raindrop spectra. In section 5.3, we will define two empirical driving rain models, which estimate driving rain intensity as a function of the (intermediate) reference quantities. They will be parameterised and evaluated with the measured driving rain intensities. As the present chapter is rather extensive, it will be concluded with a summary (section 5.4).

The measurement data are available on internet at


© 2002 Fabien J.R. van Mook
ISBN 90-6814-569-X
Published as issue 69 in the Bouwstenen series of the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Building of the Eindhoven University of Technology.